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- KITS - Flower Beds/Landscaping/Roses
KITS - Flower Beds/Landscaping/Roses
Our Landscape Kit waters Flower Beds, Shrubs, Small Orchards and Rose Beds. We use Pressure Compensating Drip-In® by Toro Ag.
This type of drip irrigation will last a lifetime. 17mm Drip In is a very durable and excellent tubing for permanent beds and gardens.
Berry Hill also makes Patio Drip Kits and Window Box Drip Kits. We can automate a system for your deck, patio and front porch for under $100.00. These kits will water consistently and evenly, giving your plants exactly what they need all summer.
Drip Irrigation will lower your water bill because it only waters the roots of the desired plant!

Complete Product List
- Drip Tape Irrigation
- Irrigation Components
- Equipment - Mulch Layers, Planters, Lifters, more
- Fertilizers & Rooting Hormones
- Fertilizer Injectors and Medicators
- Fittings, Clamps and Valves
- Frost Cloth/ Insect Covers
- Greenhouse & Nursery
- Home and Garden
- Hose, Poly Tubing, Mainlines, Suction
- Packaging - Boxes - Pulps
- Pest Control
- Plastic Mulch Film
- Sprinklers (Stakes, Stands, Micro, etc)
- Vine/Bramble Irrigation, Tying Supplies, etc
- Weed Control and Barriers
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